Love letter to Japan

I’ve been revisiting all the footage and stills from our trip to Japan last July and having loads of fun this past week creating my first ever short video. I used iMovie, which is super easy to use and facilitated a great creative process.

I feel a bit guilty about the fact that we even had a honeymoon, truth be told, because we already travel so much and everyone was so generous to chip in for it. But when we booked it we had no idea that I’d be heading off for a year, otherwise I’m sure the original plan of holidaying in Far North Queensland would’ve been more than enough. But as I wrote at the time, “It was a total indulgence to have some time out from our busy lives and enjoy being together” (Discovering the old and the new in Kyoto), and re-immersing myself has made me awfully glad that we did get the chance for a once-in-a-lifetime trip.

7 thoughts on “Love letter to Japan

    1. Japan is an amazing country to visit. As you can see from the video, we had a very urban experience of it. When I get back there again, I’d love to see more of the countryside and smaller towns, as well as the island of Okinawa

    1. You’d absolutely love it James, I know you would. Such a rich experience for a traveller – I think there are some aspects to Japan which is shared by Scandinavia, actually, and it would be interesting if you also develop a similar impression.

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